— from Barbara Marrett & Bill Watson, Sunday Summit Volunteers —

Have you had a chance to enjoy “Sundays at the Summit” of Mount Grant on San Juan Island? The road to the top is open Sundays noon to six through September 25. Hiking trails are open daily. The Summit offers 360-degree views of valleys, lakes, straits, mountains, soaring raptors and wind-gnarled Douglas firs. It’s a view few have been privileged to enjoy, until now.

We’ve had the good fortune to volunteer at the top and hear the comments: “Wow, I didn’t know this was here.” “Without the access road I’d never have been able to see this view.” “Thanks for working to protect this special spot.”

Previously known as Lawson Ridge subdivision, the preserve is located between Mount Dallas and Cady Mountain. It protects and provides access to 141 acres of native forest and meadow once slated for home development. The summit road and trailhead entrance are located on the south side of Beaverton Valley Road. Look for a big sign indicating in red how the campaign fund raising is going.

While The Campaign for Mount Grant Preserve just celebrated its 1,000th donation, its not paid for yet. Approximately $380,000 still needs to be raised to pay the debt and provide a stewardship fund. This is where you come in.

Your donation will be matched dollar for dollar by five generous island families, doubling your contribution. Your reward: knowing you’ve helped preserve a special spot to enjoy now and for generations to come. Oh, and donations of over $100 get a cool cap with a soaring falcon on it! Once funding is complete, recreational use of Mount Grant will be a top priority.

While San Juan Island has some lovely parks with hikes up hills with great views, not everyone can take a hike. Mount Grant is unique in that you can ride to the top and get to enjoy distant views in every direction, regardless of mobility, and there is an easy family-friendly circular trail with interpretive signage at the top.

The Campaign is a joint project of the San Juan County Land Bank and San Juan Preservation Trust. Please visit the San Juan Preservation Trust website https://sjpt.org to donate or for more information, or visit one of our volunteers on Sundays at the Summit, because sometimes it gets lonely at the top!