— by Bill Buchan —

I am no longer a resident of San Juan County, but [I am doing what I can] to help get Initiative 2017-07 on the ballot.

I urge each of you to do what you can to oppose the wrong-headed aspects of our President’s Immigration Policy. Initiative 2017-07 is a good step to ensure that the abuses we hear about throughout our country do not happen in OUR county.

I have visited the Northwest Detention Center (read jail), and heard the stories of those held there. There are spouses of petty criminals, grabbed up because they were handy. There are people brought here as young children, who know no other life except that of an American, subject to deportation to essentially a foreign country. There are long-term (yes, illegal) residents in our country, with children who are U. S. Citizens by birth, at risk of having their families torn apart. Non-U.S. Citizens released from minor jail offenses at the end of their sentences, instead of going back to their community like anyone else, get a one-way “go to jail” detention card instead. Inmates can work, but receive only a dollar a day, while the GEO Corporation, one of the corporate welfare hogs in our Prison-Industrial complex, makes hundreds of millions in profits out of other peoples’ misery.

If the President’s “promises” that he would deport only felons and gang members were true, it might not be so bad, but 40% of those deported this year are guilty of no crime whatsoever. Of course there SHOULD be a better way to have low-wage guest workers, but our Congress refuses to address real immigration reform. Many employed “illegals” pay taxes, and pay into a Social Security system that they can never hope to benefit from. Let’s stop criminalizing them! Take the small step of getting Initiative 2017-07 on the ballot, to make sure that San Juan County is not a participant in this cruel business.

(Editor’s note: Initiative may be signed at Ray’s Pharmacy or the Orcas Food Coop in Eastsound)