— from Jan Erlichman —

I am in support of the Phase III School Bond. I agree with the many excellent Letters to the
Editor that have been published in support of Proposition No. 1 in the February 14th ballot.

There are three primary reasons that I will vote to approve this bond: 1) high school students are taught in classrooms that don’t have adequate heat or air conditioning; 2) our teacher of Strings and Elementary Music, Pamela Wright, has to teach one of her classes in the cafeteria because her current classroom isn’t large enough; and 3) we need to finish what we started in Phases I and II.

In these previous Phases, we started the process of making our school one in which we can all be proud. This bond is a small price to pay for our community to be able to provide the best education and facilities for our students.

Please vote YES on February 14.

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