— by Didier Gincig —

Well, perhaps it wasn’t Martin Luther King, Jr. who said, “Ask not what the island can do for you, but what you can do for the island.” But it was Martin Luther King, Jr. who inspired others to give of themselves to improve the lives of others.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day–a day of service throughout the country-was celebrated by islanders who picked up a lot of litter; oodles of it! It was so encouraging to see adults and children side by side cleaning up our island. It’s discouraging to think that people throw litter out their window, on the ground, or perhaps don’t tie their loads down well on the way to the dump.

Let’s remind each other to do our part to keep the island clean. Thank you to everyone who participated and thank you to Orcas Recycling Services for accepting that garbage load and recycling free of cost.  It was fun and inspiring!