— from Leslie Murdock —

The Orcas Medical Foundation (OMF) board of directors wishes to thank Dr. Giefer for all that he has done for the Orcas Medical Center and our community over the past twelve years, and, while we are disappointed to see him leave, we do appreciate all of his wonderful years of service.

There have been some questions from the community that we feel rightfully deserve to be answered and are hoping that we might be able to help by providing some clarification.

Island Hospital’s contract to manage Orcas Medical Center and to employ all the staff at the clinic was set to expire as of December 31, 2016, just as we were beginning our negotiations with UW Medicine. Island Hospital agreed to enter into a six-month extension agreement through June 30, 2017, in order to keep the clinic open until UW Medicine was in place. However, the transition has taken a bit longer than originally hoped, and an additional extension agreement was needed. OMF recently entered into this second extension agreement, which provided for Island Hospital to continue managing the clinic and employing all the staff there for an additional 3-month period from July 1 through September 30, 2017. Each employee of the clinic had the opportunity to either sign or not sign his or her extension agreement. Dr. Giefer chose not to sign his extension employment agreement and decided, instead, to retire as of June 30, 2017, when his current contract is due to expire.

The OMF board was hopeful that Dr. Giefer would continue on in his role as Orcas Medical Center’s physician until the UW transition was complete; unfortunately, that is not to be. While Dr. Giefer will no longer be on staff, we would like you to know that Island Hospital is currently assembling a patient care team that will enable the clinic to remain open during the summer and until UW Medicine is in place – currently scheduled for early September. We anticipate a number of familiar faces filling in to provide care for the Orcas community during our busy summer season. The staffing schedule should be available shortly.

OMF always understood that UW Medicine had complete authority to select and hire all the staff at the clinic, but were surprised and saddened to learn that Dr. Giefer’s last day will be June 30, 2017. Please know that we wish him the very best, including some much deserved time off and much more time to spend with his family and, especially, with his grandchildren.