— from Jim Biddick, President, Orcas Island Historical Society

Whew! July 4th and some tranquility has returned to Eastsound. What a weekend.

Thank you to our Orcas Family for making the OIHS portion of Historical Days again a major fundraiser success. Everyone enjoyed the Harvey Family Logging Show and over 300 hot dogs were consumed during the day.

Saturday everyone enjoyed pie and ice cream at the OIHS Pie Booth. Some 70 pies were donated for the event and I didn’t hear one complaint.

Many thanks to all who helped for the events: James Lobdell, Lynn Carter, Denise Wilk, Bill Buchan, Jamie Cier, Michele Wiley, John Willis, Velma Doty, Juliana Capdeville and all the volunteers who helped out, A special thanks to the Museum Staff, Clark McAbee, Maggie Vinson and Natalie Baloy for all of their many hours of support leading up to the events.

Now we can all rest up and get ready for next year, which is already in the planning stage.

Looking forward, visit the Pioneer Museum to see the new exhibit, Flotsam and Jetsam, staged by Clark McAbee. Shop at the new Museum Store, which has seen an outstandingly success, for gifts for yourself or friends. Take out a membership and receive a 10% discount at the store.

Travel to Crow Valley School to watch our new CBS video, the “One Room School House” and relive the days when kids had to walk to school and was held during the summer. Watch for an announcement of our “Heritage Feast” in October which will be held at Red Rabbit Farm and sponsored by Christina Orchid.

Again many thanks to all of our Volunteers who made the 4th a success, the Greeters at the Museum and CVS who put in many hours welcoming people, our members for your continued support, the Orcas Community and those many visitors who have made the museum experience an adventure in history.