Last night, Jan. 18, the Washington State Senate passed a capital budget to put people to work and invest in our communities.

Sen. Kevin Ranker, D-Orcas Island, released this statement after the Senate passed the state capital budget, investing $4.2 billion in more than 1,400 projects across the state, and nearly $60 million in the 40th district:

“This budget invests in our children by building new classrooms across the state, providing reduced class sizes and the opportunity to succeed.

“It provides for homeless youth and affordable housing to build a safe place for every person and family to call home.

“The budget, importantly, funds paychecks for more than 19,000 public and private workers, putting people to work and keeping families supported.

“I am excited to announce that this budget finally and permanently protects the Harriet Spanel State Forest, also known as Blanchard Mountain.

“This budget also funds other critical community and recreation programs in our communities — including investments in the Skagit Valley Family YMCA, Brigid Collins House and Moran Summit Learning Center and other recreational trails and preserves. Additionally, we are investing in renovations for the science building and lab upgrades at Western Washington University.

“As Senate Democrats retook the majority this year, our top priority has been final passage of the state construction budget that has been blocked by Senate Republicans for a year. I am proud we were able to come together and govern for all the people of Washington.”

Governor Jay Inslee also issued a statement on the capital budget and Hirst [water rights/protections] bill:

“It is good news for Washingtonians that the Legislature passed the long-overdue construction budget. This allows us to restart hundreds of stalled projects at schools and mental health facilities and build more affordable housing — as well as put thousands of Washingtonians to work.

“The Legislature also approved a Hirst fix. I appreciate that the complexity of this issue required several months of negotiations by many legislators. While far from perfect, this bill helps protect water resources while providing water for families in rural Washington. It includes significant funding for habitat protection and restoration and other improvements that will be guided by local stakeholders and tribes according to the needs of each basin. Despite this positive step, pressures on stream flows and salmon will continue to mount in the face of climate change and growing demand for water. We must build upon this effort to meet those challenges far into the future and continue to work collaboratively to protect this valuable resource.

“It is, however, extremely unfortunate and, frankly, irresponsible, that for nearly a year Republicans stalled those projects and refused to vote on the $4.2 billion capital budget by linking it to passage of an unrelated effort to address the Supreme Court’s Hirst ruling on water rights. Their delay in passing the capital budget comes with many costs, monetary and otherwise.

“After our review of the capital budget, I will sign both of these important pieces of legislation in short order.”