Monday, April 10, 12 – 2 p.m., San Juan Library

— from Sarah Crosby —

The League of Women Voters of the San Juans will hold its April Membership meeting on Monday, Apr. 10 at the San Juan Island Library Meeting Room from 12 – 2 p.m. Entitled “Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Rest,” the meeting will focus on possible changes in government policy and funding in light of a new administration, and what we may need to plan for in San Juan County. If you are wondering what effect new laws and policies will have on you, your family, and our community, come hear what insights local officials have to give about government funding and policy. This is a chance to ask your questions and discuss your concerns with the people entrenched in the work.

The meeting format will be a panel discussion followed by questions from the audience. Our panelists will be:

  • San Juan County Auditor Milene Henley, speaking about federal funds coming to the county;
  • Washington State Arts Commissioner Diane Martindale, speaking about the arts and public broadcasting;
  • San Juan County Land Bank Director Lincoln Bormann, speaking about the EPA and related environmental issues;
  • Peace Island Medical Center Chief Administrative Officer Merry-Ann Keane will speak on Health Care and Health Insurance;
  • SJI Family Resource Center Director Jennifer Armstrong will speak on Social Safety Net Programs.

The public is invited and encouraged to attend. Please join us.