— by Ann Murphy, President. League of Women Voters of Washington State —

This Week’s Alert  If you do nothing else, here are the most important actions you can take:

Automatic Voter Registration-It’s Time

This year we have a great opportunity to pass Automatic Voter Registration (AVR). This simple step could add 500,000 people to the voter rolls in our state. Please click here to let your legislators know it’s time for Washington to modernize our elections and passed AVR.

Ban Bump Stocks – Pass SB 5992

SB 5992 Trigger Modification bill, aka the Bump Stock bill banning the sale, manufacture, and possession of such devices, is likely to emerge from Rules Committee and go to the Senate floor this week. Hundreds of gun safety supporters and gun activists filled the hearing rooms of the Senate Law and Justice Committee on January, 15 for a hearing on five gun-related bills. Please help keep this momentum up by urging your Senator to support this bill by clicking here.

Status and Actions Needed for Other Legislative Priorities

Please click on the areas of interest to you to see the status of bills that the Lobby Team is working on and what action is needed this week. The issue webpages include the Lobby Team contact information, League positions, and history of bills the League is tracking for this legislative session.


Democracy: NEW WVRA, Disclose Act, and Same Day Registration passed the Senate with bipartisan support!..(read more here)

Economic and Social Justice: NEW The Equal Pay Opportunity Act HB 1506, which addresses the unfair wage gap for WA women, passed the House 69 yeas, 28 nays, 1 excused…(read more here)

Health Care: NEW Several bills in the Senate and House ensure medical coverage for children and adults, and multiple bills this week have hearings…(read more here)

Reproductive Rights: NEW SB 6219 Concerning health plan coverage for reproductive health care. This bill would ensure reproductive parity in all Washington state health plans…(read more here)

Gun Safety: NEW Five bills on gun issues were heard in the Senate Law & Justice Committee on January 15 with SB 5992, the Bump Stock ban, passing out of committee and on to Rules Committee. Hundreds of gun safety advocates as well as…(read more here)

Education: NEW On January 18, SSB 6090, the $4.2 billion Capital Budget that includes over $1 billion in school construction funds, passed the Senate 49-0 and the House 95-1…(read more here)

Civic Education: Additions to HB 1896, expanding civics educations and professional development, give new hope for a passing vote…(read more here)

Other Issues

Climate Change, Energy, & Transportation: NEW The eagerly awaited debut of the update to the Energy Independence Act ( I-937) will be heard on the morning of Tuesday, January 23 in the House Energy and Technology Committee…(read more here)

Natural Resources: NEW Last week a Revised Hirst Bill ESSB 6091 passed both Senate and House, and is now sent to the Governor…(read more here)

Fair & Adequate Revenue: Changes in Congressional leadership may bring much needed movement on new revenue but…(read more here)

Click here for a list of Lobby Team members and contact info.

Upcoming Legislative Events

January 24: Democracy Lobby Day, Olympia. Sponsored by LWVWA, and Fix Democracy First.
January 25Lobby Day to Abolish the Death Penalty, Olympia. Co-sponsored by LWVWA.

The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. To join the local San Juan Islands League, go to https://www.lwvwa.org/san-juan/index.html

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