San Juan Community Home Trust Director speaks about Affordable Housing Needs

Contributed by Ann Jarrell

Twenty-five League of Women Voters San Juan members and guests attended the Annual Meeting luncheon  in Friday Harbor on Monday April 11.  Lunch at Vinnie’s Restaurant was followed by a short business meeting, after which Nancy DeVaux, Executive Director of the San Juan Community Home Trust, was the featured speaker.

The business portion of the meeting resulted in the election of the new board for 2011-2012 which consists of  Susan Dehlendorf and Ann Jarrell, Co-Presidents, Pat Curtin, Treasurer and Clair Kelm,  Secretary.  New members-at-large are Diane Martindale, Beverly Zapalac, Laura Jo Severson and a triumvirate of Orcas members, Marian O’Brien, Margie Doyle and Mindy Kayl who will share an at-large position. The second part of the business meeting was the award of their  “Woman Who Made a Difference” honor.

LWVSJ wishes to recognize local women who have made exceptional contributions to our community.  Joyce Sobel is their 2011 recipient of this honor.  She has worked tirelessly for the families and children of the county since 1975.  She is one of the  founders of the Family Resource Center, an invaluable community office in providing support and services to children and families.  She is also a successful grant writer, volunteer with the food bank, parent educator, past school board member and an advocate and resource for children and family program policy.  Joyce is also a League member and participated in a local  League study of Children at Risk.  She follows Doris Estabrooks who was the first recipient of the award in 2010 for her work in achieving a county-wide ban on the use of Styrofoam.

After the business meeting was completed their featured speaker Nancy DeVaux invited her audience to participate in a community conversation regarding Affordable Housing.  With statistics and facts, Nancy provided a basic understanding of our affordable housing needs in the county.

She clarified the gaps unique to our community due to economic, demographic and transportation realities.  Her talk dovetailed nicely with the League of Women Voters Washington advocacy that all levels of government and the private sector share the responsibility of alleviating the housing shortage in the low income sector.  Identifying housing needs and planning to meet these needs is best done at the local level.  They also urge that state government provide information,  assistance and coordination for housing programs at all levels. Clearly the League and Affordable Housing advocates see an urgent need for more public information  and action on this issue.