— by Margie Doyle —

Kay Miller displays her Trashion Fashion jewelry creation.

Kay Miller displays her Trashion Fashion jewelry creation.

The Trashion Fashion Show to benefit the Orcas Island Grange still has some tickets available to its fabulous show on Saturday, Oct. 24.

Shown above is Kay Miller, of Kay’s Antiques, where tickets to the show are sold, with one of her “trashion” Jewelry pieces. It’s a necklace made from aluminum pull tabs, and forms a shiny, lightweight and trés moderne necklace.

Usually, Kay collects these pulltabs in 5-gallon buckets for the Lions Club. They recycle them to benefit the Leader Dogs program.

The Trashion Fashion Show starts at 7 p.m. at the Grange. Tickets are $15 and include refreshments and desserts as well as tickets to the show.

Tickets are also available at Darvill’s Bookstore and at the Cottage Gift Shop at Orcas Landing