Calls Out Congress For Failing On Export-Import Bank

— from the Office of Representative Rick Larsen —

Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, a senior member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, today voted to make sure transportation projects nationwide will continue to receive funding through summer construction season. Larsen voted for and the House of Representatives passed H.R. 3236, a bill that provides a three-month extension for the Highway Trust Fund.

Larsen also expressed frustration that Congress continues to fail to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank.

“The Highway Trust Fund extension I voted for today will keep workers on the job making critical repairs and upgrades to roads, bridges, highways and transit systems all over the country. In Northwest Washington, projects will continue to update the Mukilteo Ferry Terminal and to improve roads around the Arlington airport that are key routes for moving goods to market.

“Now our economy depends on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee moving forward with a long-term transportation bill, like the GROW AMERICA Act that I helped introduce. As the Senate finalizes its transportation bill, the two chambers can work out differences and produce a real, sustainable solution to invest in our country’s roads, bridges, highways and transit systems.

“I am frustrated Congress has failed once again to renew the Export-Import Bank. In my district, the Bank supports thousands of jobs at companies of all sizes by helping these businesses get their goods into the hands of consumers worldwide. Each day that our businesses of all sizes are without the export financing is a day they have less opportunity to create jobs and grow our economy,” Larsen said.

The Highway Trust Fund is set to expire on July 31. It is the primary source of federal investments in roads, bridges, highways and transit systems.

The extension now moves to the Senate for consideration.