Friday, June 21, 8:15 a.m., Eastsound Fire Station

— from Tanja Williamson for San Juan County Land Bank —

The status of Coffelt Farm will be a discussion topic at the upcoming Land Bank meeting at Eastsound Fire Station on Friday morning. Other items on the agenda include:

8:15 am Convene

8:20 Approve May 17, 2018 Meeting Minutes

8:30 Chair and Commissioners’ Reports

  • Lopez Hill celebration

8:45 Public Comment – General

9:00 Bill Watson, Council liaison

9:10 Coffelt Farm – Decision

  • Update
  • Recommendation from the interim lease committee
  • Commission discussion and decision

10:10 Break

10:20 Director’s Report – Conservation Projects

  • Grants update
  • Lopez
  • Spencer Spit Addition
    o San Juan
  • Woodbridge
  • Ihiya
  • Forbush

10:50 Stewardship Report

  • Kellett Bluff

11:25 Outreach & Volunteer Report

  • Annual Report feedback

11:30 Agenda items for July 19, 2019 Land Bank Commission meeting

11:35 am Adjourn

The Land Bank Commission May Add or Delete Agenda Items and Projects for Discussion. The Agenda Order is Subject to Change. You are invited to call the Land Bank office at 360-378-4402 for more details prior to the meeting