Friday, Oct. 21 at 7 a.m. at the Skillet Restaurant

— from Chris White for Lions Sunrise Volunteers —

Not being able to drive oneself to essential medical appointments, shopping or social events due to the effects of aging, medical procedures or a disability has shown to be detrimental to one’s physical, mental and emotional well being. An assistive transportation, therefore, is an essential service to enable our residents to continue to live and age on our island.

Dennis King, Lahari’s Executive Director, will be explaining Orcas Door to Door to potential volunteers at the next Sunrise Volunteers Meeting on Friday, October 21st. For more information or to get on a mailing list as a potential volunteer please go to

As usual, the meeting will start with coffee hosted by the Orcas Island Lions Club at 7am at the Island Skillet.  Order breakfast at  710 and Mr King will speak at 720, and as usual we adjourn at 740am. Feel free to bring a friend and learn more about Sunrise Volunteers!