— Kruse Review by Jens Kruse —

Mary Trump opens her bestselling book Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man with the
moment in early April of 2017 when she arrives in Union Station, in Washington, D. C., to join members of her extended family at a dinner with her uncle, Donald Trump, at the White House.
As she leaves the station she encounters a vendor who sells buttons with inscriptions like
“Deport Trump,” “Dump Trump,” and “Trump is a Witch.” In her room at the Trump International Hotel she finds herself surrounded by “TRUMP shampoo, TRUMP conditioner, TRUMP slippers, TRUMP shower cap, TRUMP shoe polish, TRUMP sewing kit, and TRUMP bathrobe (2).” She opens the refrigerator and grabs “a split of TRUMP white wine, and poured it down my Trump throat, so it could course through my Trump bloodstream and hit the pleasure center of my Trump brain (2).”
Once in the Oval Office, family members sit behind the Resolute Desk
and have their photos taken. Later on, when she looks at hers she
notices the framed photo of her grandfather “hovering behind me like a
ghost (5).”
This is the first inkling the reader has that this book will be at least as
much about Donald Trump’s father, Fred, as it will be about her uncle.
Mary Trump brings to her book the perspective of a concerned citizen,
the expertise of a Ph. D. in clinical psychology, and – uniquely – the
knowledge and observations of a member of the extended Trump
But before she gets to Fred Trump, Mary Trump makes clear that the
mother of the Trump children, the Mary Trump after whom she was
named, was a less than sufficient parent. This was the case in part
because Mary Trump, beginning nine months after the birth of her fifth
and last child, Robert, experienced late diagnosed and life threatening
post partum complications that led to a series of operations, severe
osteoporosis, and other health impairments. During this prolonged
struggle she was a largely absent mother. But her niece makes clear that
the reasons for this went beyond her grandmother’s medical struggles.
She writes:
Mary and Fred were problematic parents from the very beginning.
My grandmother rarely spoke to me about her own parents or
childhood, so I can only speculate, but she was the youngest of ten
children — twenty-one years younger than her oldest sibling and
four years younger than the second youngest –and she grew up in
an often inhospitable environment in the early 1910s. Whether her own needs weren’t sufficiently met when she was young or for some
other reason, she was the kind of mother who used her children to
comfort herself rather than comforting them. She attended to them
when it was convenient for her, not when they needed her to. Often
unstable and needy, prone to self-pity and martyrdom, she often put
herself first. Especially when it came to her sons, she acted as if
there was nothing she could do for them. (23)
Donald Trump was two and a half years old when his mother almost
died on the operating table and became even more absent as a mother
than she was already anyway. Mary Trump clearly feels that this
circumstance had devastating consequences for Donald’s early
But Mary Trump sees the role of Donald’s father Fred as even more
damaging. She writes:
Whereas Mary was needy, Fred seemed to have no emotional needs
at all. Although uncommon, sociopathy is not rare, afflicting as
much as 3 percent of the population. Seventy-five percent of those
diagnosed are men. Symptoms of sociopathy include a lack of
empathy, a facility for lying, an indifference to right and wrong,
abusive behavior, and a lack of interest in the rights of others.
Having a sociopath as a parent, especially if there is no one else
around to mitigate the effects, all but guarantees severe disruption
in how children understand themselves, regulate their emotions,
and engage with the world. (24)
Fred Trump ruled his family as an authoritarian, making clear,
especially to his sons that they were there to serve him and Trump
Management, the empire of apartments that Fred had built in Queens
and Brooklyn. When the first son, Fred Trump, Jr., was less than
successful in his assigned role as heir apparent to that empire, when he
had the temerity to instead become a commercial airline pilot in the
early jet age, Fred Trump began the process of what Mary Trump,
Freddy’s daughter, describes as the dismantling and destroying of her
father, who begins to drink heavily and eventually dies at the age of 42
of alcoholism related heart disease.
Meanwhile, Donald, Fred’s second son, had become the heir apparent at
Trump Management. Mary Trump describes his modus operandi as
Donald dedicated a significant portion of his time to crafting an
image for himself among the Manhattan circles he was desperate to
join. Having grown up a member of the first television generation,
he had spent hours watching the medium, the episodic nature of
which appealed to him. That helped shape the slick, superficial
image he would come to represent and embody. His comfort with
portraying that image, along with his father’s favor and the
material security his father’s wealth afforded him, gave him the
unearned confidence to pull off what even at the beginning was a
charade: selling himself not just as a rich playboy, but as a brilliant,
self-made businessman. (90)
Mary Trump leads us through the by now familiar history of Trump
from then to now: the early glitzy projects like Trump Tower, the casino
bankruptcies in Atlantic City, the increasingly desperate branding
gambits, the Art of the Deal and other ghostwritten delusional fantasies,
The Apprentice, and – eventually – the presidency.
Mary Trump ends her book on a note of sadness and despair. Sadness
because “Donald today is much as he was at three years old: incapable
of growing, learning, or evolving, unable to regulate his emotions,
moderate his responses, or take in and synthesize information (197).”
Despair because:
Donald takes any rebuke as a challenge and doubles down on the
behavior that drew fire in the first place, as if the criticism is
permission to do worse. Fred came to appreciate Donald’s obstinacy
because it signaled the kind of toughness he sought in his sons. Fifty
years later, people are literally dying because of his catastrophic
decisions and disastrous inaction. (204)
Mary Trump’s Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2020) can be checked out, by way of curbside pickup, from the Orcas Library or obtained through Darvill’s Bookstore.
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Another expert! This time a PhD in Clinical Psychology who’s also a family member with an unhoned axe? Sorry, but after decades of experts, including some16-year-old girl from Sweden, a Nobel Peace Prize winner from Chicago, an 80-year-old well-intentioned medical bureaucrat, etc etc, I must let my suspicions loose, smile, and turn the page. Next! Or is this an ad hominem attack? sorry . . .\
I read Mary Trump’s book and find that its reports and conclusions dovetail tightly with our observations of Donald Trump over the years. For those who tire of “experts,” including a venerable epidemiologist who has worked to save hundreds of thousands of lives and a passionate teen who probably knows more than most adults about her area of concern and certainly has accomplished more in bringing it to our attention, i recommend another book: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/21/books/the-death-of-expertise-explores-how-ignorance-became-a-virtue.html
Despite the lies that we have all been told, despite all the bad press, this president is actually “Draining The Swamp.” You have to look pretty far behind the scenes to find this, as the media is totally corrupted and working with, or owned by “The Swamp”, and is lying to you.
You all know me as an environmentalist. I am very far “left” as they say. I love the Earth, and morally, I could give a damn, really, about borders that separate human beings.
But, when you stop watching corporate owned news, and really dig, you find that Donald Trump, despite whatever else he is, is an Absolute Hero, who has gone up against the most evil structures strangling the US and this Planet. Hopefully this will all come out soon, as most of you probably think I am crazy.
But, I tell you, I’m not insane, the Truth is out there, and when you really look and understand what this guy and those who back him have accomplished, you will revise your opinion.
Turn Off Your Regularly Scheduled Programming.
Look for the TRUTH,
It’s out there.
Trump is an imbecile who is admired by imbeciles.
Domenic, what are the details, the specific actions, and your sources for that information that you feel are worthy of your praise.
Dominec, if you consider yourself an environmentalist, what do you make of his gutting the EPA and many environmental laws, leaving the Paris Accord, dismissing climate science, and his ongoing support for the fossil fuel industry? I would also argue (but not here) that he is simply replacing one swamp with another. Look at his actions, not what the media report. (His recent dismantling of the Postal Service in what appears to be part of a systematic strategy for sabotaging a democratic election seems especially troubling: https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/08/07/friday-night-massacre-us-postal-service-postmaster-general-major-trump-donor-ousts?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR2DVsQBrVxLnh2XHOip1Tw0-A4QaSMFgZnxCr-fjDaVTE9VlIq0LK1nor0)
Matthew–Yes. Trump’s attempted sabotage of the USPS because it doesn’t make a “profit” (the only value he holds dear) means problems especially for places like Orcas. Our medications, Social Security and VA checks, and much else that we rely on come by mail. It recently took a week for a prescription to reach here from Seattle. This is not the USPS’s fault. The billionaire who was appointed by Trump has–in the face of a crippling pandemic–cut all overtime and imposed a hiring freeze, despite the increase in utilization of postal services and the impact of COVID-19 on postal workers. A recipe for disaster.
Domenic–Where are you looking to find this special information? What sources do you use?
It’s not possibe to argue with people who hold a belief or position as a religion. So to those (even on Orcas) who are praying to your “God: Herr Drumpf” enjoy your religion. This is neither the first nor the last war to be fought because of such religious beliefs.
Here is a very, very, very small appetizer:
I realize this creates a lot of cognitive dissonance. I don’t expect to convince people overnight. But, someone had to be first, and I am not beholden to anyone, so I can stick my neck out without much consequences.
You really have to do the research for yourself. The true nature of what is happening on this planet is so gigantic, it will probably take years to assimilate, it did for me. Start with something hard to look at that you feel passionate about, like international child sex trafficking. Dig into that, that is enough for months, believe me. It really takes research, for the TRUTH is certainly not in all one place, you have to glean and discern, to truly find out why this planet is in such a mess, and how to fix it.
I don’t agree with everything the people who are in power now are doing, like the consequences of USA energy independence, but I can glean why they are doing it.
I will write out however much I think is approperate, then I cut you loose to do the truth seeking for yourselves. You have to really want to know…
I’ll say this: The world is a gigantic political and military chess match. Ever heard of 5D chess? Well this is like 8th dimensional military chess. The USA has been on top of the dog pile for so long, and we have been fed such baby food about what is really going on for so long, that cynicism is understandable.
There is a worldwide movement to take us off the post WW2 global economic, political, and military system. Previously “developing countries”, now hold giant power in the world wide power struggle, and they are tired of Western military and monetary dominance. There are new real economic power structures coming online in Asia that will supersede the old Western dominated structures. See: Asian Infrastructure Bank and BRICS nations.
Many militaries of the world have teamed up to take down the internaqtional illegal drug trade and the international human trafficking trade. Now, some people say that these are the 5th and 6th largest industries on the planet. This is causing major power struggles. Trump is just one guy, the public face of what I think is our US Military taking back control over this country. They are trying to cut off funding to the opposing power faction, which we can loosely term “globalists”. Global corporations, global banks, global cartels, etc
This is the real reason for the border wall: stopping international illegal drug trading and human trafficking is a gigantic blow monetary against their opponents.
There is so much more.
Consider: This world is still held in check by mutually assured nuclear destruction. Now, this isn’t the fairyland reality that many people live in and want to stay in, but it has been the reality we live….
Truth Warriors, I Set You Free.
Good Hunting (:
And no need to slander me, I’ve had all I care to deal with.
Domenic, I thought I was catching QAnon’s mauvais odeur from a few of your recent posts… sadly the product you call “TRUTH” is just a slightly more bizarre flavor of the same ol’ kool-aid.
While Mr Verano is out playing eight dimensional chess the world is burning. All things are on fire, so tread the path carefully said the Buddha. Anyone who is not ethically repelled by the Orange menace needs some new moral lenses or very soon there will be nothing to , ‘Take back”