Pastor Dick Staub at the opening of KindlingsFest 2009

Pastor Dick Staub at the opening of KindlingsFest 2009

In opening KindlingsFest 2009 today, Orcas Island Community Church Pastor Dick Staub announced the C.S. Lewis-centered conference will gather together “thoughtful creatives for whom God is of central importance.”

Dr. Jerry Root returns from last year as the guest lecturer, and his theme for the 10 a.m. lectures daily through Saturday will be “Broken Beauty.”

Orcas Island Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Lance Evans welcomed the KinglingsFest participants, who filled the Community Church, saying “We’re thrilled that KidlingsFest has become an annual event.”

In addition to the morning lectures, “Kindlings Muse” evening events are planned for each night at 7 p.m. with Artists-in-Residence Bruce Herman, Micahel Ward, Rick Stevenson and Michael Kelly Blanchard.

Tonight and Thursday evening, the BagEnd Cafe with host Nigel Goodwin will provide improvisation and audience participation entertainment at 8:30 p.m.

Friday evening is Film Night with filmmaker RickStevenson presenting three films — Mantis Parable, As We Forgive and Expiration Date.

The festival concludes on Saturday evening at 6 p.m. with a Concert on the Eastsound Village Green with featured singer-songwriter Michael Kelly Blanchard, follwed by root-beer floats and a final BagEnd Cafe back at the Community Church grounds.

The conference is held by The Kindlings Center for Faith and Culture, a 501 c3 not-for-profit. The group is inspied by C.S. lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, Dorothy Sayers and other members of “a diverse group of … friends who met in an Oxford pub each week for lively conversation and friendly disputation.”

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