By Dick Staub,
Pastor, Orcas Island Community Church

Relax and rehumanize at KindlingsFest 2010, only  seven weeks from now!

Remember quieter, slower paced times? Warm lazy summer afternoons when time stood still, end-of-day bonfires with roasted marshmallows and hot chocolate, laughing and crying with friends and family?

In just 7 weeks the relaxation and humanizing begins at KindlingsFest 2010 on magical Orcas Island.

Enjoy thoughtful creative explorations of our theme “Friends for the Journey,” with Luci Shaw, Hal Poe, Jeff Keuss, Nigel Goodwin and Jerry Root. Mellow out with the music of Windham Hill artist Jeff Johnson, singer-songwriter extraordinaire Bob Bennett, and Northwest artist, Kathy Hastings.

There’s lots of free time, a program of arts and ideas for your kids and a chance for you to gather with old friends and new.

Registration is filling up fast. For more information and to register go to:

**If it wouldn’t cause you financial distress to take out a modestly-priced, voluntary subscription (HERE), you’d be doing a real service. If it would, then no worries, we’re happy to share with you.**