Sarah Shaefer and son, Hayden, at the Fidelis Flea Market

Sarah Shaefer and son, Hayden, at the Fidelis Flea Market

By Carol Kulminski

This was the fourth year that Kid’s Life children’s ministry from Life Church (formerly Lighthouse Christian Center) sold items at the Fidelis Flea Market to raise money for World Concern.

They use the money to purchase animals for villagers in third-world countries that want to help themselves and their families have a better life. This year, sales from baked items donated from the members of Life Church, resulted in the largest donation yet of over $177.

With this money, the Kid’s Life, after much discussion, bought 20 chickens, 12 ducks, a complete goat package, and 1 chicken coup . Sarah Shaefer was the creative force behind this year’s efforts, making the banner and the table look amazing. The kids took turns selling and sharing about World Concern with interested buyers.

“One of the most important lessons we can teach our children is to give and to serve,” said Pastor Abe Smith of Life Church. “We are very proud of their contribution to the needs of people in the global community.”