from Anji Ringzin

Thursday, October 31, 4-6 p.m., Odd Fellows Hall

Bring your kiddos to the first ever Halloween Party for Kids! Since the Odd Fellows Hall will already be decorated for the grown up’s fabled Halloween Dance, why not have a kids party before the grown ups party in that lovely decorated space? “Great idea, go for it!” was the response.

Guests will be greeted by the witches of Eastsound and other scary kids. There will be music, games, treats, and fun, including face painting and tattoos by Morgan, hot spiced cider and decaf chai by Holly, hot french fries from Madrona Bar & Grill, and glowsticks!

Thanks so much for the creative ideas and work of: Susan Slapin; Melinda Hallen; Morgan Leaf Meadows; Holly Dennis; Beth Kozubik Jenson; Mariah Miller; Eve Eon; Ginna Magee; Robert Austin; Charlie Eon; and to anyone else who comes and adds energy to the event.

Special thanks to Harmony Chai, Madrona Bar & Grill and to the Odd Fellows for the great decorated space.