Katrina Lindgren, in center with black sweater, will lead a group of service-minded students to Chicago on spring break.Photo courtesy of Steve Lindgren

“My parents have told me that no matter how small or young I may be, no matter how challenging it may seem, I am capable of anything I set my mind to: And I believe it.”

Katrina Lindgren, Orcas High School Senior, is planning a Mission Trip to Chicago to aid the homeless for her Senior Project. A group of eight teens, including Staci Lindgren, Kailley Grantham, Alex Grantham, Zachary Kostechko, Joseph Kostechko, Lee Gibbons, and Melia Kelley, as well as three adults (James Wohlford, Perri Gibbons, and Chuck Todd) will be traveling to Chicago to work with the Chicago Urban Program, whose website is at https://cupivcf.org.

During the Mission Trip, Katrina says the group “will be serving those that cannot serve themselves.

“We will be participating in their Mentor Program, After School Program, Food Bank, Clothing Bank, Soup Kitchen, Night trips (in which we will go through out the neighborhood and distribute blankets, clothing, and food to the homeless),  and possibly some rebuilding projects.”

Katrina has planned this event to take up as much time as we can to put our best effort in helping as many people as possible. She will be filming and recording video logs on her website, www.dosomethingwithkatrina.kk5.org , so that everyone back home can keep up-to-date with “our progress, downfalls, fun stories, and much, much more.

“I’m hoping that by going on this trip and video taping it as well as having all of the kids on the trip keep a journal on their experiences, good and bad, as well as personal feelings and thoughts on what they experienced we will broaden the knowledge of homelessness and the severity it is becoming.

“Many people don’t know that even on our own beautiful Orcas Island, we have people that are without a home, living out of their car, unable to buy groceries, and much much more.

“I want people to think twice when they walk past the Food Bank Donations stand without donating. I want them to think about those people that are starving all across the world before they waste food at their own house. Many are not as fortunate as we are, and they need to be helped.

“It’s not just about helping a few people; it’s about making a difference for everyone. Homelessness is a problem that can be fixed and prevented; I think it’s about time we DO SOMETHING!”

The group will leave Orcas for Sea-Tac  airport on Friday, April 15th and will arrive in Chicago on the 16th. They will return to Orcas Island on the April 24th in the early morning.

Katrina has planned this trip as her  Senior Project so that she may complete her high school education early and enter college this December. “I have always had a fascination with homelessness and why it is that people are so insensitive towards the reasons that people wind up in a situation where they have no home.

“When I was in 8th grade I decided that for my senior project, I was going to go somewhere and help people. I decided that whether it was somewhere like Africa, Libya, China, or even somewhere like Chicago, I would make a difference.”

The hardest part of the project, Katrina says, “has been raising the money to be able to send myself as well as the other teenagers that have dedicated their entire spring break to serve, and the adults that are taking time off of work and out of their busy lives to come chaperone and volunteer with them.

“We have been fundraising with local bakesales at Island Market as well as going door to door asking for sponsors, but it isn’t  seeming to be enough. We’ve only raised 1/3 the amount that we need for this trip.”

But her anticipation is still strong as she contemplates the project: “ I think that the most satisfying part so far has been that every day we’re another day closer to the day we get to go on the trip. I’ve never been out of Washington State and I’m extremely anxious to leave! I can’t wait to go to Chicago city and work with other groups from all over the world to service people that are down on their luck!

“This trip is unique because in the past mission trips that have been held on Orcas Island, it was either through the Community Church Youth Group, or the Christian School. This Mission Trip is open to ANYONE! I opened this trip to anyone that wanted to come because I felt that you don’t have to be a Christian or a strong member of a church or youth group in order to make a difference in the world.

“Why should you have to be a certain way before you’re allowed on a trip to help others? I was raised by a Christian mother and a Catholic father and I just don’t have time to share my faith in the church, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not worthy of helping someone else when they’re down on their luck: Which is exactly why I opened this trip to anyone and everyone. And the group we have going is a great variety.

“Since I was a young girl, my parents have told me that no matter how small or young I may be, no matter how challenging it may seem, I am capable of anything I set my mind to: And I believe it.”

People can help the Mission Trip cause by  donations or sponsorships. “Every penny counts!” says Katrina, who asks that donations be by cash or check only. Checks can be made out to either Katrina Lindgren or to OICC (Be sure to write “Mission Trip Fund” in the memo line).

Donations can be mailed to P.O. Box 1817 Eastsound, WA 98245 or donated during the group’s weekend  bakesales at Island Market. “Also,  if one of our young kids or chaperones comes to your door with a sponsor card, donate a few bucks, every cent counts!” Katrina says.