Thursday, December 18, 6:30 p.m., Orcas School Old Gym

— from Kristen Wilson —

IMG_2834More than 100 Orcas music students will remind us all what winter is supposed to be like when they present a “Frozen Concert” on Thursday, December 18, at 6:30 p.m. in the Orcas School’s Old Gym.  “Our kindergarten through 4th grade students have been working very hard,” said Pamela Wright, Music Director. “Please come see what they have accomplished.”
The show will open with a shivering performance of Snowy Rainy Icy Chilly by the kindergarten children.  They will follow that with If I Could Fly Like a Snowflake.  
The 1st through 4th grade students will give us a flashback to August with In Summer, before jumping to December with Frozen HeartI’m Letting it GoHere Comes the SnowFirst Day of Winter and For the Winter. The kindergarteners will join the 1st to 4th graders for two of their favorite songs from the movie FrozenDo You Want to Build a Snowman? and Let It Go.  A group of 1st and 3rd graders will demonstrate their recorder skills on Clock and the Moon.
This is the third concert by Orcas School musicians this winter.  The community is invited.  All school concerts are free.