Aug. 17 Joint County Council and Planning Commission Meeting

— from San Juan County Council and Planning staff – –

On August 17, 2018, there will be a special joint Planning Commission and County Council public hearing and meeting.  The public hearing will be on a draft ordinance to comply with the Western Washington Region Growth Management Hearings Boards’ (GMHB) Final Decision and Order (FDO) regarding an appeal of the County’s Shoreline Master Program (SMP).  The Planning Commission and County Council will also be briefed on the status of updates to the Comprehensive Plan.

Shoreline Master Program

A staff report dated July 2, 2018, provides additional background about the appeal of the County’s Shoreline Master Program by the Friends of the San Juans.  The Western Washington Region of the Growth Management Hearings Board (GMHB) processed the appeal in Case No. 17-2-0009. The County Council and Planning Commission were briefed on July 20, 2018, regarding three noncompliance issues outlined in the GMHB’s Final Decision and Order (FDO).  The issues will be resolved by amending the County’s Shoreline Master Program development regulations in San Juan County Code (SJCC) Chapters 18.20 and 18.50.

Draft Ordinance and Staff Report dated July 30, 2018

Staff Report dated July 2, 2018

Transportation Element Update Briefing

San Juan County Department of Public Works (DPW) is working on updating the Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element.  At the meeting on August 17, DPW staff will update the Planning Commission and County Council on the status of the update and initial proposed amendments.  This is the first briefing DPW will provide the Planning Commission and County Council.

The staff report is available under the ‘Transportation’ tab here.

Economic Development Element Update Briefing

The San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) has reviewed the Comprehensive Plan Economic Development Element and proposed amendments.  The EDC’s proposed amendments will be presented to the Planning Commission and County Council for their review.  This is the first briefing the Planning Commission and County Council will receive on the Economic Development Element.

Staff Report dated August 1, 2018

Seasonal Population Forecast Follow Up Briefing

On July 20, 2018, the Planning Commission and County Council were briefed on information regarding a forecast of seasonal population.  This information was provided in a staff report dated July 6, 2018.   Following the briefing, the Planning Commission and County Council requested additional information about certain components of the information provided.  They will be briefed on the follow up information found in the staff report dated August 2, 2018.

Staff Report dated August 2, 2018

Staff Report dated July 6, 2018

Housing Unit Forecast Follow Up Briefing

On July 20, 2018, the Planning Commission and County Council were briefed on two proposed methods of forecasting housing units as a part of the Housing Needs Assessment.  The forecasting methods were outlined in a staff report dated July 5, 2018.  Following the briefing, the Planning Commission and County Council requested additional information about certain components of the forecasting methods.  They will be briefed on the follow up information found in the staff report dated August 2, 2018.

Staff Report dated August 2, 2018

Staff Report dated July 5, 2018

Comprehensive Plan Issue List Briefing

Staff will ask Planning Commission to help refine a Comprehensive Plan issue list for the elements slated for update.  The County Council will have already provided their input on the issue list on August 6.  The staff report dated August 2, 2018 includes a preliminary list prepared by staff based on the Comp. Plan Update scope-of-work, public comments, and previous County Council and Planning Commission comments.

Staff Report dated August 2, 2018

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