— by Margie Doyle —

Saturday, December 14 at 2 p.m. at Orcas Center

Orcas Island Community Band invites you to join with them in "Serious Fun" at their afternoon concert, Dec. 14

Orcas Island Community Band invites you to join with them in “Serious Fun” at their afternoon concert, Dec. 14

The Orcas Island Community Band is going strong in its 23rd year!

The Band’s concert, scheduled for next Saturday afternoon, Dec. 14, brings together three dozen island musicians, young, older and middle-aged, in a program of Christmas favorites and less familiar pieces such as “The Copland Tribute,” and “In the Gentle Rain.”

Join the carols sing-a-long at the show’s end and the free dessert party afterwards. Admission is by donation.
Be festive with your friends and neighbors.

See new band member Darren Dix on tenor saxophone, and returning members Dimitri and Lorena Stankevich on trombone and bass clarinet at the Band’s annual Christmas concert on Saturday, Dec. 14.

The program calls for solos in “In the Bleak Midwinter,” — Bob Littlewood; and  “In the Gentle Rain” — Darren Dix and Matthew (Wally) Walrath.

Among the silver-hairs and baby boomers, Ewan Lister, Orcas School fifth grader, stands out. For the second year, he joins his dad Ian Lister in the band. Ewan plays trumpet, seated between Pat Muffet and Russ Harvey.

Ewan says, “It was a little strange; I felt a little shy at first, but both Pat and Russ mentor me. I enjoyed it and began to play out more.”

His favorite piece in the upcoming concert is “The Copland Tribute.” He says, “The beginning is loud but very musical and buoyant and makes you get ready for the rest of the piece. And it’s a challenge, playing so quickly.

“But it’s definitely thrilling.”

Karen Key Speck and Jim Shaffer-Bauck confer on music scores in preparation for their Dec. 14 annual concert.

Karen Key Speck and Jim Shaffer-Bauck confer on music scores in preparation for their Dec. 14 annual concert.

Karen Key Speck and Jim Shaffer-Bauck will take turns on the conductor’s podium.

They came to lead the Community Band after stints by Martin Lund and Joe Babcock. After the board conducted a search for conductor on other islands and the mainland, they realized that the talent they sought might be right under the band’s collective nose.

Karen, who has played euphonium in years past, has filled in as conductor during rehearsals all the way back to 1985, when the band was formed. She’s also conducted Sinfonia at a Music Advocacy Group concert.

Jim’s last conducting experience was as a senior in high school during rehearsal. He speaks of the rewards of conducting, “It takes me more deeply into the music, to see and hear everything going on.

“My one reservation was that I didn’t know I’d have something to say but, I’ve been drawn in to a much fuller experience of the music — it’s fun!”

Karen said the greatest challenge was in listening to the instrumental parts as a whole and determine what needs help and how to impart that to the musicians.

“When they respond to that, it’s the biggest kick,” she says.

“To be a conductor, you have be a leader and a cheerleader — to give direction and encouragement,” she says.

Join your neighbors and ring in the holidays with the Orcas Island Community Band. And think about joining in the band’s mission of “Serious Fun.” Rehearsals are Monday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. For more information, call 376-2202.