Tuesday, September 6, 2016 from 4-6 p.m., Elementary School Courtyard

— from Diane Boerstler, PTSA President —

Fun, food and community. Those are just a few of the many reasons why many Orcas parents and guardians will join administrators, teachers and community members at the upcoming Back-to-School Kickoff on September 6 from 4-6 p.m. on the Main Courtyard Orcas Island Elementary Courtyard.

However, for the founders of this co-sponsored school and Orcas PTSA event, the reason for creating the event is the culmination of awareness that even the best schools can become better.

Diane Boerstler, the new Orcas PTSA president said, “After two years on Orcas and experience as a new elementary school parent, I’ve seen Eric Webb, Cathy Ferran and Lorena Stankevich step up in a major way to smooth the continuity in school-to-home communications and enrollment processes within the Orcas Island School System; and this fun community event takes that commitment to easing the lives of parents one step further.”

When parents and guardians bring their children to enjoy the festivities on September 6 from 4-6 p.m. they will have the opportunity to;

  • Introduce their child to their teacher (there are several new teachers this year) and show the student how to get from the front door to their new classroom;
  • Eliminate the ‘last minute paperwork scramble’ by completing Free/Reduced Lunch forms or any other required forms otherwise lost in the flow of daily life;
  • Get direct answers to questions from teachers and administrators;
  • Drop off required school supplies so children don’t need to lug too much on the bus and to their classroom on the first day;
  • Explore available community support from local Orcas Island support organizations who will be standing by to help;

All while children play on the bounce house, eat delicious free hot dogs (vegetarian available) and mentally prepare to return refreshed and ready to kickoff school the next day.

Families who want to join this event should simply drop by on Tuesday, September 6, 2016 from 4-6 p.m. to enjoy food, fun, festivities and tie up any loose ends before school starts so everyone can experience a smooth transition into the new school year.