— from Carol Kulminski for Orcas Island Historical Museums —

Anyone who has ever volunteered with Jim Biddick knows what a dedicated and hard worker he is. He gives and has given countless hours to  numerous non-profits on the island, helps seniors with their income taxes, and is currently significantly active with the Lions Club.

Jim has spent countless hours contributing to the Orcas Island Historical Museums since 2012, serving more than his expected term and giving way beyond expectations.

Jim is responsible for the completion of a number of museum projects: There was the restoration of Crow Valley School, returning the building to its original color, and maintenance on the Pioneer Museum that included heating systems, roof repairs, and landscaping.  During the numerous fundraising and community events, Jim could always be counted on to be there at the beginning to help set up and at the end to break down and clean up – an ongoing and most appreciated contribution.

The museum board and staff are very grateful for his dedication and willingness to serve and wish him the best in his plans to travel and spend more time doing leisure activities.