By Jane Heisinger

On October 19, the Senior Center held a Volunteer Appreciation dinner to honor all of the people who volunteer at the Senior Center. This was a by-invitation-only event and over 80 people were served a dinner prepared by Bill Patterson. Five special awards were given out.

The Island Treasure Award went to Dora Blake and Mary Lou Padbury who have given at least 10 years of volunteer service to the Senior Center. The Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to B.J. Arnold for her continued support, both seen and unseen, of the Senior Center over a span of many years.

The Agave Award was given to Penny Hawkes. This award is presented to someone who does a lot of different things to support the Senior Center. Penny has painted rooms, supported the Afternoon Tea, served lunch and other things too numerous to mention.

The Staff Appreciation Award was given to Thelma Kallam for her efforts in writing the Thank You notes for years as well as being a front desk volunteer.

The Volunteer of the Year Award was presented to Jay Savell. Jay does so much for our elders at the Senior Center. Not only does he cook the lunches, he makes sure that the people that need extra food, receive it. He drives as often as he can for off island trips both medical and recreational. It’s the little unseen caring things that he does that made him the unanimous choice for this award. A good night was had by all.

There are many ways to volunteer at the Senior Center so stop by and see how you can help.

(The Senior Center is located on Henry Road off North Beach Road in Eastsound.)