All Islanders Bank employees behind the generous Food Bank contribution.

By Madie Murray

“The idea really stemmed from the idea of ‘Islanders Helping Islanders’,” says Dyan Holmes, Islanders Bank Assistant Vice President/Retail Manager, “so the question we asked was, what can we do for our community as a thank you for their continued support and business?’ Supporting the Orcas Island Food Bank seemed to be the perfect first project, one of many the Orcas branch anticipates doing over the next year.

The food itself came from a combination of sources: initial batches of deliveries from the Orcas Islanders Bank employees; then, as community members noticed their efforts, they joined in.  Employees then placed coin donation bins along the teller line which produced some surprises when they were opened.  Roughly $315 in cash was there with several 20’s and 50’s, and two checks to the Food Bank for $100 each.

Employee Barbara Ellenwood purchased literally a carload of grocery items with the cash donations. “We are not sure how many pounds the food totaled to but we do know that it filled the passenger seats and trunk of a Jeep Grand Cherokee,” Holmes remarked. The two checks were handed to Food Bank Board President, Larry Shaw, along with the carload of groceries Tuesday before the Food Bank Christmas distributions were made.

Holmes continues, “We have a group of very compassionate employees; it brought great pride and warmth to all of our hearts to be able to help our community.”