decorate a silly pumpkin like this one at Emmanuel Parish Labyrinth

Island Market encourages kids aged 13 and under to be as creative as you like. Let your imagination run wild. First pick up a FREE Sugar Pie pumpkin between Friday Oct. 19 and Friday Oct. 26.

IMPORTANT pumpkins must be decorated ONLY. No carving please

Then return your decorated pumpkin to the Island Market customer service counter by Saturday, Oct. 27. All decorated pumpkins will be displayed in the store through Halloween on Wednesday, Oct. 31st.

Pumpkins may be spooky, silly or just paling colorful. There will be three prizes (valued up to $20 each in different area of creativity.

Participants may pick up their pumpkins and Trick or Treat at the Island Market on that Wednesday. (Any pumpkins that are not claimed by Thursday Nov. 1 will be discarded)

Come to the Market and HAVE FUN!

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