Problem: Internet Explorer kept crashing and restarting

Latest update 1:50pm: I’ve found the software our site uses that caused the problems with Windows Update and have removed it. The only casualty is the Like Us on Facebook box in the sidebar. Everything else should be back to normal! If you notice something that’s not working correctly, please let me know. Thanks for your patience!

Update 12pm: I’ve pinned it down to update KB3100773. You can go to Windows update and remove this update and the problem is fixed. But Windows will want to install this again, and if you re-install it the problem returns. Still looking into solutions…

Original post 9am: The latest release of Windows Updates from Microsoft on November 10th cause problems when users try to view Orcas Issues in IE. You get a message that the website has a problem and the window has to close and you won’t be able to view Orcas Issues in IE. Try using Firefox instead as an alternative browser. We are trying to find a solution and will let you know when we do…

Ann Palmer, webmaster