Gov. Jay Inslee released a statement today on President Trump’s tweet downplaying the threat of COVID-19.

“The president’s reckless comments reflect exactly the same nonsense thinking behind his failed pandemic response that increased the risk of COVID, a virus that has caused 210,000 deaths in the United States already — and hundreds more each day. He hasn’t learned a thing. Since he tested positive for COVID, more than 2,000 additional Americans have died and downplaying this danger is the best he can do?

“His only statement now should be an acknowledgement that COVID is dangerous; that he was wrong when discouraging the use of masks and wrong to mock the experts. He certainly should not be telling people there isn’t anything to worry about.

“It is easy for him to downplay the dangers when he has access to medical care that others don’t have. President Trump has made it clear that the states are on their own.

“But I am confident that Washingtonians will continue to mask up because we care for each other. Unlike Donald Trump, we realize that wearing a mask is a strength, a sign that we care about families and others around us.

“Let there be no mistake — we are still in a pandemic and millions of Americans are acting like it. They are masking up and social distancing. They are making difficult choices to protect their health and the health of those around them. They deserve a president who will do the same.”