— from Governor Inslee’s Office —

The Dec. 18 decision does not change Washingtonians’ access to health care — the Affordable Care Act remains the law of the land and coverage is available, often with financial help. Families can continue to enroll in 2020 coverage through December 31.

All this decision does is prolong the fear and anxiety felt by tens of millions of Americans as the Trump administration continues its abhorrent crusade against their health care. That includes 800,000 people in Washington covered under the ACA today. The law has enabled more than 32,000 Washingtonians to get treatment for cancer, more than 112,000 to access substance use treatment, and more than 325,000 to get mental health services. It is unconscionable that President Trump’s Department of Justice is pushing to eliminate their access to life-saving medical care.

We understand what is on the line. People with pre-existing conditions and millions of others who rely on the ACA’s reforms, such as women and older adults, are counting on us to block this latest assault on health care. We have turned back every previous attack on the ACA, and this time is no different. We will fight until we win.

Learn more about what’s at stake for Washingtonians.

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