— from Office of the Governor —

“I am committed to making sure that every family in Washington state, no matter how they got here, is treated fairly. I want to be clear that we will redouble our efforts to ensure that state agencies are not assisting discriminatory enforcement efforts by federal immigration officials.

“It has become clear that ICE is attempting to criminalize all immigration violations. Acting under guidance from a president who has made his true feelings clear, we have legitimate concerns that federal agencies are applying immigration laws in a mean-spirited and discriminatory fashion.

“In light of questions raised about these requests, we have told DOL to stop turning over records they are not required to disclose unless it has been reviewed by my office. DOL is working with my office and the Attorney General’s office to thoroughly review how the agency responds to immigration-related requests from federal immigration enforcement agencies. We are looking at policy changes that will better ensure state agencies do not voluntarily turn over records they are not required to disclose.

“The executive order I issued last year was a commitment to ensure we’re protecting Washingtonians from discriminatory immigration enforcement efforts. We must and will do better. Washington has been and will always be a welcoming place, for all people.”