— from Governor Inslee’s Communications Office —

Gov. Inslee issued the following statement after Speaker Paul Ryan announced he was removing the Republican legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act from consideration:

“Today 600,000 Washingtonians beat Congress, and can rest easy knowing that Speaker Ryan and President Trump have failed in their misguided attempt to destroy health care in America.

“Today’s decision to cancel the vote on the Republican American Health Care Act – legislation that would have taken coverage away from 24 million Americans – is an enormous victory for Washington.

“This victory didn’t happen by chance. Thousands of Washingtonians made their voices heard at town halls and in phone calls and emails to Congress. The Republican plan to take away health from millions Americans and give tax breaks to millionaires was unacceptable.

“I’m pleased that President Trump and Speaker Ryan have indicated that they will move on, and give up their effort to repeal this landmark law that has done so much good in Washington, and across the United States.”