— from Governor Jay Inslee’s Office —

Gov. Jay Inslee released a statement … as the Trump administration failed to work with congressional leaders on federal stimulus negotiations.
“We are facing an urgent economic and public health crisis that demands immediate congressional action and leadership from the Trump administration.
“Millions of Americans are unable to work, put food on the table and pay their bills. Nearly 450,000 Washingtonians saw their $600 pandemic unemployment benefit terminate two weeks ago. This is unacceptable.
“Amid historic levels of joblessness, Senate Republicans and the Trump administration have refused to act on sweeping legislation passed by the House of Representatives nearly three months ago. As a result, they have allowed vital unemployment benefits to lapse and eviction protections to expire, abandoned state and local governments, and neglected families’ dire need for food, shelter and child care. Yet today, the White House has walked away from the negotiation table.
“States like Washington are paying the price for the White House’s indifference and other well-documented shortcomings throughout this global pandemic and economic crisis.
“Any unilateral action by the president to run around Congress is certain to be as insufficient as it is legally dubious. Unlike the White House and Senate Republicans, struggling families in our state and throughout the country cannot ignore this crisis or fail to respond.
“Federal leaders must come together on a strong legislative package to meaningfully address the challenges we’re facing, as governors have requested for months. Our nation’s economic recovery and our ability to defeat the virus depend on it.”
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Another biased new story and misdirected blaming by Inslee playing partisan politics. It was the Democrats who rejected the extension of the $600 per week benefit. Congress couldn’t get it done so Trump gets it done alone via executive action. He appropriately trimmed the benefit back to $400 per week so businesses don’t have to compete as much with unemployment. If not for Trump there would be nothing. This plus payroll tax holiday through the end of the year. Seriously, when are you all going to give this president some credit.
Sharon, excuse me, the Democrats rejected the $600 unemployment benefit? I think not. The Democrats have stood firm for the benefit as for aid for state and local governments, which Trump opposes, as for a moratorium on evictions, as for a $1200 contribution to hard pressed Americans, as for college tuition debt assistance. Half the Senate Republicans opposed any aid package. By the way, a payroll tax holiday until Jan. 1, and the permanent elimination of the Social Security and Medicare payroll tax promised by Trump yesterday, if elected in November, dooms the Social Security and the Medicare programs. In Trump’s estimation, seniors are no more than snails whose shells are easily crushed by Trump’s heeled boot.
Such an unfortunate thing to say, Thom. What a fascinating, blanket, and dramatized headline accusation. And you did not read my post correctly. The Democrats rejected the $600 EXTENSION because they wanted something “far bigger.” Democrats always want more, more, more but rarely want to compromise because there is always a big gov, big agenda behind everything. They couldn’t even let it go even in a pandemic when the American people are in most need. I think it is appalling Democrats rejected the extension and are willing to let the American people starve while they bicker in Washington for their idyllic grand model of salvation. Revolting, really. Trump gets high praise for every check going out right now.
No one believes you anymore, Inslee.
Sharon–Giving Trump “high praise” for every check going sounds about right, because none will be going out while he’s still in office. A few problems with your posts: 1. The (Democratic) House passed a bill in MAY that provided continuation of the $600 UI supplement, but Mitch McConnell decided to process nominations instead of bringing it to the floor. Two MONTHS later, the Republicans began negotiations. 2. Republicans complained that the $600 supplement is so generous that it is keeping 10+ million Americans at home. No one ever accused Mitch and friends of being in touch with the workingman. They also don’t think schools need financial help but should reopen anyway. They don’t want to provide any more assistance to state and local governments. And Lord knows they are going to ramp up test production. 3. The Great Dealmaker didn’t bother meeting with the Congressional leaders, probably still quivering under the table after the last time the Speaker handed him his head. /1
4.McConnell can’t get a consensus position among his own own people, and Trump runs out the clock, refusing to budge on his numbers. (I believe he DID offer a freestanding UI extension, ignoring every other major problem caused by his utter failure at protecting the people of the US from the effects of the pandemic. He and Mitch also opposed any funding for election security despite intelligence reports that both Russia and China are up to their Internet tricks again. 5. McConnell takes his ball and goes back home. 6. Seeing his poll numbers plummet, Trump suddenly expresses concern for the common man, and announces he’ll swoop in and save the day. 7. As usual, Trump ignores the fact that he has no power to do anything that he promises at his country club party in New Jersey, 8. The “orders” he signs with his Sharpie at his second country club party on Saturday do not provide relief to anyone. They are all unconstitutional.
9.Meanwhile, Trump’s hapless followers cheer his fake heroics. None of them seems to have READ the orders. I have. They do nothing. 10. If Trump can scrape up loose money–from funds appropriated by Congress for State programs that haven’t yet been spent because Trump’s people can’t seem to get their act together to process the claims–that redirection of funds being illegal in any event–then the states would have to pony up 25% from their shrinking treasuries burdened by huge regular UI claims, expenditures for responses to the pandemic, and reductions in revenue due to people NOT being able to work. They won’t. Even if they did, Trump has to devise a whole new cockamamie scheme to calculate the additional benefit, something that he cannot possibly accomplish before he is thrown out of office.
I strongly recommend a review of civics. Three branches of government. Checks and balances. Congressional spending power. And so on.
11.The payroll tax cut is temporary and will harm Social Security and Medicare. Working people will have to pay back ALL deferred taxes, likely in January. Trump cannot eliminate them. (And Trump just repeated his wish to eliminate Social Security and Medicare at his Summer White House country club.) 12. The eviction order does not reinstate the federal eviction moratorium that expired last month or fund rent and mortgage relief. He told someone to “study” it.
Here are some places where you can learn about the actual content of the papers trump signed Saturday.