— from Governor Jay Inslee’s Office —

Gov. Jay Inslee today announced additional guidance for the existing order on limiting non-urgent medical procedures. 

Last month, the governor issued Proclamation 20-24 to ensure appropriate surge capacity and personal protective equipment (PPE) in hospitals and other health care facilities to manage an influx of COVID-19 patients.

“Washingtonians have taken the threat of COVID-19 seriously, and that includes our doctors and nurses. But there are some much needed procedures that aren’t being performed that should be, and we need to make sure that everyone gets the care they need during this time,” Inslee said. 

“Through the great work of our hospitals and medical delivery system, we are clarifying that some procedures should go forward while still ensuring there is adequate capacity to deal with COVID-19 and other emergency situations. Personal protective equipment continues to be in high demand, and we must make sure that all medical professionals have what they need to stay healthy and protected while serving the needs of their patients.” 

The guidance provides clarification on what type of non-urgent surgeries are permitted under the order and lays out guidelines for what PPE health care workers should have and how long they should use it.

Read the full guidance document here