Saturday, August 2, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Random Howse

— from Cat Gilliam —

PlaybackCat Gilliam is excited to be bringing her Seattle based, ‘Threshold Ensemble’, back for their 2nd Playback Theatre performance on Orcas! Last August they played to standing room only in the Victorian room at the Outlook Inn. August 2nd, they will open at the Random Howse at 7:30 PM with music.

The performance is 8:00-9:30 PM. (

Playback Theatre is an improvisational theater that offers unique gifts. These gifts are for the three parties present: the storyteller, the actors/musicians and the audience.

Someone from the audience volunteers to tell a personal story. There is an interviewer/conductor who supports the teller to share what is most alive for them about their story. It is turned over to the actors and musicians with “Let’s Watch!” The completely improvisational Playback begins. It stays true to the story; it hopes to reveal the heart of the story, the universal. The teller might gain a new perspective. A field of creative and artistic expression is opened in the enactment and often “magic” happens!

The actors & musicians listen with an open receptivity and full attentiveness to the telling of the story. They engage with agreements of Improv, “Accept Offers”, “Use Everything”, “Make your Partners Look Good” “Let Go”, “Be Affected” and work as an ensemble to honor the story that has just been heard.

The audience holds all that is happening with their witnessing. They are touched by what they see and hear. Playback Theatre strengthens community connection and caring through the sharing of personal story…when we truly hear another’s story, empathy arises.

Playback Theatre offers the opportunity to learn skills inherent in Improv within a unique context that offers capacity building for all of our relationships. It provides the opportunity to practice initiative taking, collaboration, observation, spontaneity, imagination, courage, and flexibility.
It began in 1975 and now there are troupes all over the world! (

Cat Gilliam has been active for 25 years with Playback, performing and teaching internationally. She will be offering classes here on Orcas beginning this fall, with hopes to develop a troupe here! She lives here in Eastsound with her husband John. You can email Cat for more info