— from Rick Rhoads, Luna’s campaign manager —

Luna, new mayor

Luna, last year’s runner-up as honorary mayor of Eastsound, stepped into the job in April, when Mayor Noni passed away, and is now running for a full term.

Every vote for Luna to continue as mayor is $1 in support of the preschool program at Children’s House. In this health and economic emergency, many island organizations (in addition to Children’s House) that meet people’s critical needs urgently need funds. Therefore, Luna and her family pledge to match the first 10,000 votes ($10,000) Luna receives with contributions to the Orcas Island Food Bank, Orcas Island Library, Orcas Island Community Foundation, Orcas Community Resource Center, and OPAL.

Please vote for Luna at orcasmayor.org. The matching funds will be evenly allocated to the five nonprofits, but if you want your match to be directed at just one or some of the above, please let us know by emailing Luna at mayorofeastsound@gmail.com or calling campaign manager Rick Rhoads at 360 376 7202. Thank you.