— from Ingrid Gabriel, Council Clerk —

On Monday, Dec. 2, the County Council will meet in the Legislative Building in Friday Harbor, beginning at 9 a.m.

Following discussion and updates with the Council, County Manager and Departments, at 9 a.m. a discussion of the Shoreline Master Program, presented by Senior Planner Colin Maycock, with public comments accepted.

Other agenda items include:

  • ACTION: To Approve the 2014 Annual Road Program – Rachel Dietzman, County Engineer
  • ACTION: Emergency Rental Assistance Grants to the Family Resource Centers – Melanie Rollins, Affordable Housing Coordinator
  • DISCUSSION/ACTION: Intergovernmental Agreement for Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) and San Juan County – Brendan Cowan, Emergency Management Director

On Tuesday, Dec. 3 on Lopez Island, there will be several public hearings, beginning at 10:30 a.m. at the Lopez Community Center:

To Adopt an Ordinance of San Juan County, Washington Adopting an Annual Budget for the Year 2014 and Setting Forth the Estimated Revenues and Appropriations [public testimony accepted] (continued from November 12) – Milene Henley, Auditor; Mike Thomas, County Manager

To Approve a Resolution of San Juan County, Washington, Approving the 2014 Annual Capital Budget and the Six-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) [public testimony accepted] – Mike Thomas, County Manager; John Manning, Director Health & Community Services

Following the public hearings, there will be discussions of:

  • Baker View Road Traffic Study – Rachel Dietzman, County Engineer
  • Lopez Sub-area Plan – Sam Gibboney, Director Community Development & Planning

Approval of Resolution Pertaining to County Staffing Levels and Pay and Benefit Plans for 2014 is also on the morning agenda.

Following the lunch recess, the agenda calls for:

  • Discussion of the 3rd Quarter Financial Report – Milene Henley, Auditor
  • Council Member Updates and Discussion Items
  • Subcommittee Updates
  • Additional Updates & Discussion Items
  • Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission meeting December 9
  • County Manager  and Council Clerk Updates with Mike Thomas, County Manager and  Ingrid Gabriel, Council Clerk