Saturday – Sunday, September 28 – 29, Orcas Library

— from Joan Stamm —

The Saga Goryu School of Ikebana will present their annual flower show in the small conference room at Orcas Library on Saturday, September 28 (10 a.m. to 5 p.m.) and Sunday, September 29 (12 to 3 p.m.). All are welcome.

This year the school will focus on NW native plants. Each ikebana arrangement will feature at least one native plant, along with non-native flowers to create interesting contrasts. Someone from the school will be on hand during open hours to answer questions. There will also be a digital slide presentation of the teacher’s ikebana arrangements to further show the full range of creative possibilities within the Saga School.

Joan Stamm, the teacher of Saga ikebana is the author of Heaven and Earth are Flowers: Reflections on Ikebana and Buddhism and more recently A Pilgrimage in Japan: the 33 Temples of Kannon ( She and her students—Mark Nichols, Joni Vader, Gwen Stamm, and Alexis Terry Bouchard—will create a variety of ikebana arrangements for your viewing pleasure.

Please come and see the show, sign the guestbook, and enjoy the peace and harmony conveyed in Japanese flower arranging.