— from Dr. Rosie Kuhn —

Thursday, Dec. 12, 5:30 p.m., Darvills Bookstore

Transformation isn’t all it’s cracked up to be

"You Know You Are Transforming When … 101 Everyday Indications that You are Creating a Life Happier Ever After," by Dr. Rosie Kuhn

“You Know You Are Transforming When … ,” by Dr. Rosie Kuhn

Dr. Rosie Kuhn, Orcas Island resident, international presenter and executive coach, reveals to the world the details of personal transformation in just 101 simple, everyday indications. In her newly published book: You Know You Are Transforming When … 101 Everyday Indications that You are Creating a Life Happier Ever After was just released on Amazon and will be available at Darvill’s Bookstore on December 12, where Rosie will be speaking and signing books.

Dr. Rosie has been in the business of personal and professional development for over 30 years. From her start as a therapist, she has worked in the field of addictions, trained coaches at Sofia University, in San Francisco, and is now an internationally known Coach and Trainer.

Dr. Rosie admits that transformation takes a great deal of effort and commitment. “Some people just don’t want to work that hard.” Rosie says she understands perfectly, and wrote this book from simply asking herself the question “How do I know I’m transforming?” “It helped me, personally, to see the value of the work I’m doing on myself and with my clients.”

Erin Hinkle, a development consultant for nonprofit organizations, in New York City, says, “No matter where you are on the journey, You Know You Are Transforming When… will serve you: if you’re a beginner, the indicators will inspire you to embark on the road ahead; if you’ve been transforming and need a boost, they will remind you of how far you’ve come; and if you’ve transformed, you will be in awe of how much you’ve accomplished.”

So far, the #1 favorite indicator of the 101 everyday indicators is #37: “You know you are transforming when… The idea of sacrifice doesn’t enter into the equation anymore, for you are simply letting go of what no longer serves you, your highest knowing, or your highest contribution in the world.”

Dr. Rosie’s earlier works include: Self-Empowerment 101; Dilemmas of Being in Business; and the ABC’s of Spirituality in Business. Dr. Kuhn as trained hundreds of individuals worldwide to become transformational life and business coaches.

You can find her books at amazon.com, and her blog at www.theparadigmshifts.com.