Jane Barfoot-Hodde (seated) Irene O'Neill and Tom Welch at the Historical Museum Opening Day reception

The Orcas Island Historical Museum’s opening day reception on Friday afternoon brought out local historians and antiquarians to view the new “Island Resorts” exhibit and the casting of the Bison Antiquus skull.

Viewing the exhibits (pictured at right) were pioneer Jane Barfoot-Hodde, her daughter Irene O’Neill and Tom Welch.

A scavenger hunt of sorts was conducted through the exhibits, with visitors challenged to identify the contemporary object amidst the historical artifacts.

Historical Museum Board member Mindy Kayl said that the idea for the challenge came from fellow board member George Garrels to encourage visitors to look deeper and a little differently into the exhibits. (Hint: the fire extinguishers are not the “contemporary objects.”)

The Historical Museum has been successful in raising its membership this year, says Kayl, and it always welcomes one-time or regular volunteers on its White Glove (cleaning) committee, display committee, greeters and pie-makers for its big fundraiser, the Pie Booth at the Historical Days Fair on July 2.

The Historical Museum members will also be marching in the parade celebrating Independence Day on Saturday, July 2. Contact the museum at 376-4849 for further information and to volunteer.

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