Exhibit opens September 4, 2021


The Orcas Island Historical Museum’s new exhibition “Mapping Orcas: The Way Home” features an extraordinary collection of maps, most of which were assembled, restored, and reproduced by photographer Peter C. Fisher of Orcas Island. They include the township section (1888-1895) map of J. J. Gilbert, a variety of geological and navigational charts, and a number of maps especially created for the “edification” of tourists and amusement of locals.

There’s also a separate cabin dedicated to the late Jean Putnam’s hand-drawn, one-of-a-kind watercolor and ink maps of Orcas and the greater San Juan/Channel Islands archipelago. A reproduction of a really old Spanish map, edited by three explorers in the 18th century, verifies Juan de Fuca’s 16th century description of the islands. Mid-nineteenth century charts by the John Wilkes Expedition disclose great leaps in accuracy of surveying and navigational methods. By the end of the twentieth century a proliferation of maps corresponded to the islands’ growing prominence in the world. There are tourist maps, topographical maps, geological and bathymetric maps…and more!

Many of the maps, including enlarged segments of the Gilbert map, will be available for sale, with a portion of the profits going to the museum.

Historical surveying and navigational tools lent by islanders support the exhibition and help the viewer to understand how we found our way home before Google Earth and GPS became everyday realities.

The Museum’s new Executive Director, Nancy Stillger, notes that the exhibit will “appeal to a wide variety of people of all ages.” Stillger looks forward to the ongoing collaborative programs that will be offered during the fall and winter months. “They’ll all add depth and dimension to the exhibit, and this will encourage more people to come and be involved with our ongoing activities.”

The exhibit officially opens on September 4, the same day as the WOWZA Electric car raffle drawing. Further announcements will be made as the day draws nearer.

The Museum is open every day except Monday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. (It’s the cluster of log cabins at the south end of the Village Green. ) Admission is by donation.

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