— by Lin McNulty —

Local musician, high schooler Adriena Clifton of Shaw Island, has been accepted to Berklee School of Music in Boston. After applying for a number of scholarships, she has now made it as one of ten finalists, initially competing with 1,100 applicants nationally.

Adriena and her sister, Kendra, have played their music on Orcas a number of times as Two Room School and as The Clifton Sisters.

The “winner” of the scholarship is chosen by judges (80 percent) and by an online vote (20 percent). With votes accumulating for other applicants from large communities, Adriena is currently running a close second.

She needs our votes. Click on makecollegehappenchallenge.com/vote to vote for Adriena. You may vote daily through February 22. You can read Adriena’s story and listen to her video, as well.