By Betsy Louton

Hearts and Hands is an organization of the Senior Center that recruits, trains and places volunteers with elders and disabled persons in need. Volunteers visit weekly to share stories, help with light housekeeping, errands, or much needed transportation to town.

“My volunteer is so remarkable. She comes in with so much fun and pleasure, so much love and concern. I think she is that way with everybody. Sometimes, if I keep my house too clean, we go out for rides. She’s more than an asset – she makes living meaningful. She is a true gift.” These words describe the magic of the relationship that develops between a volunteer and the person they care for.

Since Hearts and Hands joined the Senior Center in 2009 volunteers have come forth at the same pace as needs were identified. This situation has changed and we are presently in need of volunteers for elders living near Orcas, the Highlands and in Eastsound. There will be a Volunteer Orientation Sept. 29, 1 p.m. at the Senior Center. If you would like to learn more about being a volunteer please call 376-7723.

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