Sunday, October 27 is Navy Day

Remembering a nano-moment in time 68 years ago today, October 27th, 1945.

Recalled by Harry Patton USNR Retired, Raconteur – Wordsmith – Historian – Humorist

After five months in the Pacific Ocean during World War II, our aircraft carrier, USS Independence, had just docked at Portland, Oregon, for Navy Day. The war was over!

Aboard was our fighter air group VF-21, the renown Black Jack squadron, composed of Grumman F6F Hellcats, a fun aircraft for me to fly.

All other homebound carriers were sent to San Francisco where a huge reception was anticipated.  Our carrier drew Portland, at that time a very quiet, uninteresting town. The ships company was naturally highly distraught. As the populace would be coming aboard to tour the ship, ‘full dress’ was ordered.

A scramble occurred as we frantically searched for our ‘blues’ in our cruise boxes. We hadn’t worn blues since we were deployed months ago!

For the past few months our squadron had been stationed ashore on the hot and windy island of Saipan.  Our ‘uniforms’ consisted of wrinkled khaki short-sleeve shirts and shorts.  There were no washing machines.  We washed clothes in the ocean and hung them out to dry.  We did not wear ensigns bars as everyone was an ensign and who cares?  We did not wear Naval Aviator wings as everyone was a pilot and there were no women to impress!

And today we are dressing in blues?

Later it was learned that our Saipan hard coral runway on famed Suicide Cliff was constructed earlier by long-time Orcas Islander Ed Bartholomew. Ed was a Warrant Officer in the Navy Construction Battalion, CB’s. His crew, protected by raised bulldozer blades, dodged bullets from the enemy on nearby Marpi Mountain.

So today, Navy Day, we were ready for the horde. Everything was ship-shape. Thousand of Portlanders rushed aboard and toured the ship. Teen-age girls scrawled their phone numbers in lipstick all over the bulkheads!

They hugged us, kissed us, and welcomed us home! After being at sea for five long months, and not seeing a woman, it was impossible to remain an officer and a gentleman, so naturally, we were forced to respond …

At day’s end I threw away my white shirt, which was completely destroyed with lipstick, and hurried to Seattle to greet my parents.

Happy Navy Day!