And away we go!

Happy September! The summer has certainly flown by!

San Juan County announced that their full time workers will be switching to a 32 hour work week. The plan is, that with flexible schedules, essential services will remain available 5 days a week.  Many workers on the islands have a very challenging time making ends meet. Finding creative ways to make work opportunities more attractive will hopefully increase retention and help attract new employees. The desire not to return to 8 hour days 5 days a week has been widespread since the pandemic when working from home was the norm. 

Many organizations are experimenting with options for full time employees. This summer, OICF has been on a 4 day office schedule, open Monday through Thursday. It has been very nice to have Fridays unscheduled, although, more often than not, I worked from home or had meetings elsewhere on that day.  As we enter the Fall, we will have to decide if we continue this schedule or return to full weekly coverage. I am curious what other organizations are planning and what your thoughts are on the future of work in our community.  I would love to hear what your thoughts are as well.

This summer has been one of the most musical in memory. The Orcas Center’s Outdoor Concerts, concerts at the Winery, the Brown Bag Concerts at Emmanuel, the lunch concerts at Wild Island, the Chamber Music Fest and now the Jazz Fest this weekend have provided great opportunities to hear a fantastic range of live music. Thanks to all who have sponsored, organized, and produced these events. We have certainly packed a lot in this season!

The Pea Patch Match continues. Every dollar donated through Giveorcas.org will be matched 1:1 up to $250,000. Thanks to everyone who has donated so far. Your gift brings us closer to our goal and closer to creating more affordable OPAL Community Land Trust  housing and a permanent home for the Orcas Community Resource Center and the Orcas Island Food Bank. I hope you will consider becoming a Pea Patch Partner if you have not yet joined us.


Have a great long weekend-

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