— from Lori Pelovoi —

Think you know how to wash your hands? Visit the PeaceHealth Peace Island Medical Center booth at the San Juan County Fair Aug. 17 – 20 to put yourself to the test.

PeaceHealth again this year is a sponsor of the fair and has set up hand-washing stations throughout the fairgrounds with posters listing the simple steps to proper hand hygiene.

Additionally, at the PeaceHealth booth, visitors may test their hand-washing knowledge by using a special soap, rinsing their hands, and then examining them under an ultraviolet light to see spots that were missed. This fun challenge can provide a startling demonstration on how easy it is to spread germs via the hands.

Proper handwashing is a simple yet effective way to prevent the spread of disease-causing germs, such as those that cause the common cold, which accounts for lost days at work and at school.

In addition to hand hygiene information, PeaceHealth caregivers will be on hand to distribute free sunscreen and lip balm and to provide information and answer questions about services available at PeaceHealth Peace Island.