— from The SJI Women’s Group —

To the San Juan County Council:

The San Juan County (SJC) Planning Commission is comprised of nine men even though the majority of our county’s population is female. SJC has one of the few Planning Commissions in Washington State comprised entirely of men.

SJC Planning Commissioners are appointed by the SJC Council. As required by state law and county code, the Planning Commission provides public process, holds public hearings, and makes recommendations to the Council regarding land use regulations and the Comprehensive Plan.
We ask the Council to appoint women and other members of the community who represent our county’s demographics to the Planning Commission.

The SJI Women’s Group

About us: The SJI Women’s Group was formed by the organizers of the Women’s March on Friday Harbor. We are dedicated to furthering the rights, health, and safety of our diverse community and our environment through intention, conversation, and action. We stand in solidarity with our island community to protect the land we all share and the basic human rights we all deserve – recognizing that vibrant, diverse, and healthy communities are the strength of our county and our country; that women’s rights are human rights, and human rights belong to all.