I’ve been following the comments on Steve Henigson’s columns and am concerned that we are wandering into an unpleasant and unproductive dialog. Steve made the mistake of identifying the COVID-19 virus as the “China virus” and then compounded his mistake by attempting to defend his words. I’m all for free speech, but perhaps it is time to recall the words of Dr. Clyde Ford in a presentation that he made at our library not that long ago.

Dr. Ford is a fellow of Humanities Washington and an expert on racial relations. I attended his talk entitled, “Let’s Talk About Race: How to have a difficult conversation about an important topic.” He basically makes the point that discrimination and bigotry are topics that we need to talk about, but that there are “dog whistles” that inflame hatred and which serve to move people further apart rather than to bring about mutual understanding.

Steve used the phrase “China virus,” perhaps not understanding that it would be interpreted as an intentional dog whistle. But, those who
responded by calling him a “bigot” also employed a word that carries weight beyond those five letters. While both parties have the right to
believe and say whatever they want, I doubt that the ensuing discussion changed minds.

Dr. Ford in his talk suggested that we consider the difference between the meanings of the words that we use to express what we believe and what we wish to convey. We all discriminate in our minds. It is when we ACT on that discrimination that we get into trouble. One may believe that Steve discriminates against people who are Chinese, but when we call him a bigot, and use that loaded word, the conversation goes south.

So, please, let’s exercise some civility in our use of language, especially in print. Steve may believe anything he wants as long as he does not take action on that belief in print. But likewise, we may believe anything that we want about Steve, but when we act on that belief by calling him a bigot, we are as guilty as he is.

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