— Graduation Speech by Hannah Brunner-Gaydos —

Good afternoon and welcome. You know, I’ve wanted to give this speech since about 4th grade and I’ve always imagined I would use these three minutes to impart some sort of wisdom to all of you. But when I sat down to write this I realized, I really have nothing to say.

What I WOULD like to do, is take a minute to thank my classmates for all they have taught me.

  • Arianna taught us that sometimes thinking out of the box, means completely just throwing the whole box away.
  • Braeden taught us that we should not forget the power of honesty. Vikings were NOT nice people, and the senior barn probably did need to have a burning village and headless people on it. I’m sorry we painted over them.
  • Cassidy showed us that it really is possible to bend you body in half backwards and look graceful doing it.
  • Celestine taught us that some of the most beautiful art comes from the challenges that life throws you.
  • Daria reminded us that when you’re riding through the horse trip of life, don’t squat with your spurs on.
  • Demitri made us all proud, is going to college, and probably will employ most of us one day when he runs a multi-national company.
  • Dylan showed us all that you really CAN write an 18-page paper on prime numbers.
  • Emily taught us that when you get hit by the car of life, its not the end and you can gracefully recover.
  • Felicia left and came back, teaching us that Orcas is special and worth coming back to.
  • Hailey taught us that when you follow your passion it will take you places, even when big falls try to stop you.
  • Jay showed us that, at times, it really CAN be appropriate to wear a neon spandex suit.
  • Julianna taught us that people are people – take them for who they are with love.
  • Keenan showed us the power of laughter, even when everyone else thought things weren’t funny.
  • Kilee taught us that sports have the power to change the world for the better.
  • Kyle taught us that if you are going to jump off of the roof when practicing parcour, you better have a mattress there.
  • Lauren and Lesley taught us that being twins doesn’t equal the same. Both have different gifts and are their own people. It is important for us to remember that that everybody is unique.
  • Lee showed us that you can be really smart, but you don’t have to brag about it.
  • Maddie taught us that you don’t have to be Ralph Lauren to create the perfect dress.
  • Mason, who once said at his birthday party, “I LOVE this… Amazing! … thank you… What IS it?” Taught us gratitude and that you don’t have to understand everything to love it
  • Melanie showed us that you CAN spend more hours volunteering than not and your efforts do make the world a better place.
  • Mikaela taught us that is okay to put yourself out there to initiate a new friendship and it’s worth it because those friendships can last a lifetime.
  • Taj showed even the valedictorian of the class doesn’t have to underestimate the power of tasteful fashion.
  • And of course there is William, who I think is ALWAYS smiling and loves puns, reminding us that life is there for us to enjoy.

So con GRAD ulations everyone! As we graduate and move on – remember that everybody can teach us something…. Maybe, even our parents.

Ladies and Gentleman, I introduce to you the class of 2015 – I am grateful to all of you and will never forget our unique experiences here on Orcas Island.

Thank you!